The EcoSocialist is an individual socialist blog.
I believe that socialism holds to the key to reversing our mad trajectory to environmental and social chaos.
My aim is to translate ecosocialist concepts and theories into concrete political ideas – ideas that can become a platform for a transition to environmental sanity and a socialist society.
The defeat of Jair Bolsonaro by Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party (PT) in the Brazilian presidential election is a huge win for the environment and for democracy. The main focus of the election for climate activists has been the fate of the Amazon rain forest. A Bolsonaro victory would have lead to ever…
Egypt’s restrictions on climate activists before COP27 shows the gap between many leaders of the global south and the citizens of their countries Civil society groups in Egypt have complained that the Egyptian government is preventing outspoken Egyptian NGOs from participating in the COP27 event. The government prohibits protests, and will not allow any protesting…
During the past two years, the leaders of the youth climate movement have had to reassess their campaigning strategies. In 2019, under the banners of Fridays for Future and School Strike for Climate, there were hugely successful demonstrations and marches across the globe. At the height of the campaign in September 2019, an estimated 4…
Russia’s war on Ukraine has led to sharp reduction in Russian gas exports to Europe. This has unleashed an energy crisis that is hitting Europe hard. European electricity prices are set by a market system which links them to the price of gas (or whichever form of energy is the most expensive). In many cases…