The EcoSocialist is an individual socialist blog.
I believe that socialism holds to the key to reversing our mad trajectory to environmental and social chaos.
My aim is to translate ecosocialist concepts and theories into concrete political ideas – ideas that can become a platform for a transition to environmental sanity and a socialist society.
After the 2019 Fridays for Future climate protests, there has been a significantly reduction in mass climate demonstrations. Instead, smaller groups have turned to direct action, often through disruptive or provocative acts such as painting art works. Probably the most prominent example of direct action climate groups is Extinction Rebellion (XR), active in the UK…
The COP15 meeting in Montreal, Canada ended on 19th December 2023 with an agreement on a new global biodiversity framework. The agreement includes targets for: While this is a major step forward, there is little likelihood that action on these goals will be more effective than global action on climate change. Links between biodiversity and…
Disagreements between world leaders at COP27 over loss and damage are making headlines. They are a further indication that the COP climate change process is not fit for purpose. Greta Thunberg decided to boycott COP27, saying that it was being used for greenwashing, and that activists were being excluded. Politicians at COP gatherings are intent…
The UK financial crisis shows that wide-ranging government intervention will be necessary to protect jobs and pensions during any system change to stop climate change The market and political crises in the UK were brought on by the ignorant right wing ideologies of the leaders of the governing Conservative Party. Because fund managers and investors…