The EcoSocialist is an individual socialist blog.
I believe that socialism holds to the key to reversing our mad trajectory to environmental and social chaos.
My aim is to translate ecosocialist concepts and theories into concrete political ideas – ideas that can become a platform for a transition to environmental sanity and a socialist society.
The approval of drilling in the Rosebank oil field is the action of a morally bankrupt system. The Conservative British government is the embodiment of this bankrupcy. Even by the government’s low standards, this decision reeks of hypocrisy and short term gain.The activist group, GND Rising (green new deal rising), has called the approval “an…
Jonathan Neale is a socialist and author who has written a book, Fight the Fire, which demonstrates how greenhouse gases can be seriously reduced across the world. His recent article on the “ecosocialist project” has some severe criticism of the approach to ecosocialism of many left writers and socialists. He argues that we need to…
The Democratic Socialists of America was established as a political movement in 1982 after several strands of the US left decided to unite. It soon became one of the largest socialist organizations in the country. Socialist activists in the US have faced an ever-present dilemma. The Democratic and Republican parties both represent the interests of…
The horrific heat waves across the northern hemisphere should be a serious warning to all governments that the world is not doing enough to halt CO2 emissions. The heat has been accompanied by gigantic forest fires in Canada and some severe flooding in Asia. Government responses have been mainly confined to measures to protect people…