Jonathan Neale is a socialist and author who has written a book, Fight the Fire, which demonstrates how greenhouse gases can be seriously reduced across the world. His recent article on the “ecosocialist project” has some severe criticism of the approach to ecosocialism of many left writers and socialists. He argues that we need to redefine ecosocialism.

He reproaches political parties that have attached ecosocialism as a “niche” add-on to their analysis and policies. These are organizations that have failed to recognize the magnitude of the climate crisis. Neale argues that the overwhelming focus of left parties should be on how to solve the crisis.

What did Marx say?

He also expresses impatience with the debate over what Marx said or didn’t say about humanity’s relationship with nature. We need to live in the present, and address the problems of here and now.

The final target in the article is the left organizations that advocate degrowth. He states, quite correctly, that there are almost no practical ideas for how degrowth is to be implemented and managed.  On the contrary, there are a several descriptions on how greenhouse gas emissions can be drastically reduced.  Jonathan Neale’s book, Fight the Fire, is a good example.  Again, Neale argues that this should be the main focus of socialist and ecosocialist organizations.




